Piano. Push. Play + CAS 280W
While working within FloCo's website (which is still in progress), one of my primary contacts lamented about not finding any worthy interns for another project. Learning how to speak up for myself, I quickly said, I'm on the hunt for an internship that is required for my degree at PCC.
Interestingly enough, this contact did work as an adjunct professor for PCC for a while and loved the ability to assist me in fulfilling the requirements needed to ensure I graduated on time and with high marks.
Thus begun my work for Piano. Push. Play!, a non-profit/city-wide art project aimed at bringing differently designed pianos to public streets in an effort to bring joy and music to everyone.
From the Piano. Push. Play! Website:
We rescue pianos and put them on the street for everybody to enjoy.
Piano. Push. Play. began with two objectives: to give the public a new, exciting way to share their talent and hard work,
and to give the public a chance to experience music outside of the typical concert hall.
This outreach project is about developing more ways for people to see, hear and enjoy the piano in action. It began as a pop-up concert series with one piano on one street corner -- created to break down the barrier between performers and audience members, between professional musicians and students, amateurs and those who just enjoy listening.
My primary objectives were to redesign and tidy up the current site so it is easier to navigate, increase readability + legibility, introduce SEO concepts and recommendations, as well as recommend ways and techniques on how to increase viewership in season (during summer) and off season (fall through spring.)
This has been an ongoing project from late May until late August. Time has been tracked through use of Trello boards and meetings (through Google Hangouts or in person.)
Materials created were added to database, site is consistently and constantly live, so updating Trello on changes made were how deliverables were finalized and delivered to client.
Programs + Applications: Photoshop, Illustrator
Code + CMS used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Squarespace, Mailchimp
Design techniques applied: Grid design, Negative space utilization, pushing the barriers of a rigid CMS
Piano. Push. Play!: Save The Date page
Piano. Push. Play!: Home page